
There's A New Dan Snyder Story Today And It Once Again Reiterates That He Is A Piece Of Human Garbage Who Should Not Own An NFL Franchise


There's a new Washington Post article about Dan Snyder out today. If you've been following along over the last year, you have a general idea of what a pile of trash of a human he is. I hate that I even have to call him a human, he doesn't deserve the right to be on the same level as you and I, and it would be insulting to every other species if I compared him to one of them. So he's in his own category, he's a Dan Snyder. It's the worst fate you can be as a person. 

The article linked above is long and dense, full of details of lawsuits, countersuits, and a deeper look into what a piece of shit Dan Snyder can be. For example:


The alleged effort to block the interview is one of several instances in which lawyers and private investigators working on Snyder’s behalf took steps that potential witnesses for Wilkinson viewed as attempts to interfere with the NFL’s investigation, according to a review of hundreds of pages of court records and interviews with more than 30 people, including current and former team and league officials.

While Snyder publicly expressed shock over allegations raised in The Post story that prompted Wilkinson’s investigation, his lawyers filed petitions in federal court seeking, in part, to identify former employees who had spoken to The Post — an effort one federal judge suggested was intended “to burden and harass” former employees who had spoken to reporters.




Private investigators working on Snyder’s behalf, meanwhile, showed up uninvited at the homes of several former employees or contacted their friends and relatives, according to these former employees or their attorneys — acts many of them viewed as intimidation aimed at discouraging former employees from participating in the NFL’s investigation.

And after Snyder’s lawyers learned that the 2009 accuser still intended to speak to Wilkinson — despite what her attorney alleged was an effort to prevent her from speaking to the NFL’s investigator — they provided support for a lawsuit filed against Wilkinson by the team’s retired former general counsel, court records show. That lawsuit sought to bar Wilkinson from discussing the 2009 allegation against Snyder with NFL officials, and to force her to destroy documents relating to the woman’s allegations.

Wilkinson ultimately did interview Snyder’s accuser, according to court records. But the revelation that Snyder was accused of trying to block a witness from participating in the NFL’s investigation raises new concerns about Commissioner Roger Goodell’s decision to keep confidential any report or investigative findings produced by Wilkinson — a departure from how the league has handled investigations in recent years.


So yeah. Dan Snyder being Dan Snyder, sending private investigators to the homes of former employees in order to intimidate them out of participating in the investigation. 

We also got more details into the $1.6 million settlement he made with a female who claims sexual misconduct from Snyder on a plane ride:


The allegation against Snyder dates to 2009. Its existence remained a secret for most of the past decade, until The Post reported on it and the confidential settlement last December. Even then, the details were scarce: a private plane ride, an allegation, a denial, an investigation, a payout.


And keep in mind, there's still the cheerleaders allegations against the team, the secret tapes allegedly made for Snyder, and the 25 other former employees with allegations against the team. And who knows how many others haven't spoken up because they were scared of Snyder's power. 

More smoke, more fire, and nothing from Goodell. I don't know how this guy is allowed to own an NFL franchise. It's disgusting. Every day it gets harder and harder to cheer for this team. Just get rid of this complete waste of life, it's well past time.