
Tiger Woods Is BACK, Will Play Next Week With Charlie Woods In The PNC Championship

He’s BACK. We all saw the signs the last couple weeks with the swing clips and interviews at the Hero, and what we suspected has turned out to be true. Tiger really is back playing golf and is ready to show it in front of the world.

Things were really grim there for a while. I had heard that the leg injury was so bad that for mere humans like you or me, the surgeons wouldn’t have even bothered with it. Would’ve sliced that bad boy off and called it a day if he wasn’t Tiger fucking Woods. Now he’s not only walking, he’s out there hitting golf balls on the comeback trail again.

The PNC is a perfect stage for him too. He’ll be able to take a cart and take some stress off the leg, and plenty of attention will be paid to Charlie as well. It’ll be exciting to see how much his game has progressed the past year with his old man able to dedicate more of his time to coaching him up. He was already a beast last year, here’s a little taste in case you forgot

Things are right in the golf world yet again. Can’t wait to watch and then see what Tiger’s next steps.