
I Don't Know If Big Cat Will Ever Be This Hot Again But We Midas Whale Try

This was kind of a big deal last week but Big Cat was a clean 11-0 predicting Bears ML outcomes going into the Cardinals game yesterday. It was one of the more casual examples of picking 11 straight you might ever see

Well turns out Big Cat had the Bears yesterday against the Cardinals and they got straight up mollywhopped. It was, at no point after the opening kick, an even remotely close contest with Kyle Murray's tiny hands navigating their way across a presumably empty Bears defensive backfield. That's the extent of my analysis. The Bears got smoked and we suck. 

Bigger picture there, you never really know when your gambling heaters start and when they end. That's where my head's at as I see Big Cat's record come to a close. He probably felt pretty hot after the 5th week but then you're just waiting for it to end. Each progressive pick becomes more unbelievable than the last. Surely your luck is going to go out soon so you take the unit amount down in anticipation of you pain. 

Wrong. Another winner. You're the hottest version of yourself. 

Problem is there's nobody to tell you when it's over. That would be a nice feature for in-person sportsbook wagering. A nice harmless older woman approaches you with warm cookies and a warm glass of You Suck Now. That's laying the expectations down easy. That's being good to yourself before things get ugly. I would pay extra for that old lady feature. 

The reason this is on my mind is I've been serving up just about the hottest simulations I've ever encountered in my life. I'd be nervous to disclose this but the reality is that I'm fearlessly riding DeBallZach into the Bulls 7pm game against the Nuggets tonight. Makes way too much sense when you've got an undefeated prop and seemingly unlimited momentum

Again though. I don't know where my streak begins and where it could end. I feel blazing hot but maybe that's all in my head. Easily one of the hardest things I have to decide as a regular meatball gambler. I have no idea how hot I'm willing to get. 

Fortunately I have the love and support of Barstool's premier NBA prop. A beast of mythical and legendary performance that's currently +2.2 units on the season/since last week's debut. That's good value and I hope you guys are with me on it. Certainly worth a 4th quarter stream if we can get the numbers tightened up. 

Follow me on twitter for the official DeBallZach tonight @barstoolcarl

Meantime follow Red Line Radio for more piping hot Chicago Bears takes

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