
My 1st NHL Game And 1st Time in Madison Square Garden Was Too Much Fun

After I got back from the South a few weeks ago, I was in a little bit of a low energy rut. I would go to work everyday in the Barstool Sports office then back to Hoboken to chill. The cold weather was a drag on my energy, 

My entire existence up here is being part of Barstool. I absolutely love my job and am very grateful but I also need better life balance.

It kind of hit me that i was unknowingly missing the point of living in New York. There are so many new life experiences available at my fingertips that I need to take advantage.

In the spirit of that, I accepted an offer to go to Flyers/Rangers game at the World’s Most Famous Arena on Wednesday night. This was both my first NHL game and first time in the Garden!

Being from the South, I do not know much about hockey. I saw some minor league games in Louisiana but that was it for live experience. I would causally follow the NHL Playoffs because I liked the intensity.

And I am glad I went because I had a freaking blast! Hockey has the biggest difference between live and TV of any sport. It is so much easier to follow the puck in person than on TV.

The crowd at MSG was intense and into the game. I gravitated to the energy. The young and hot Rangers dominated the reeling Flyers 4-1.

Everytime the Rangers scored, the crowd erupted into the “Goal!” Song which was really fun. Even thought it was a Wednesday night, it was still special to be in MSG and I could feel the history.

Thanks to my chiropractor buddy Tom Kearn for inviting Tevo and me from the Barstool office! I will definitely go to more Rangers games in the future and might become a bandwagon fan.

The Barstool office is right by MSG. I would be a damn fool not to take advantage (ESP on weeknights). I look forward to hitting Knicks games and concerts soon as well.

After the game, we hit up some Korean BBQ in Koreatown at Love. Those are the exact kind of nights I should be having in New York.

Tonight I am introducing my buddy Andy Frasco’s band at Warsaw in Brooklyn at 9:15. His band The UN has a ton of energy and never disappoints. It will be a fantastic show. Stoolies, don’t be afraid come join us,

Time to get out and live a little!