



Look, you never want someone to be fired. Never want someone to lose a paycheck. But Mark Turgeon was clearly not the coach Maryland needed. He is a hell of a recruiter, but his in-game coaching leaves a lot to be desired, players were constantly transferring out of the program, and the fan base had largely soured on him due to the severe lack of post-season success. 

I was completely OUT on Turg the last few seasons. Was glaringly obvious he was not the man for the job. 1 Sweet 16 appearance in 10 years at Maryland was not going to cut it for me. Weirdly, some still supported him, accepting the status-quo as a mid-tier program, long removed from the days of battling it out with Duke for the top spot in the nation. I put that blame squarely on Turgeon's shoulders.



Hopefully this is the change we need to get back to prominence. Growing up, I was a die-hard Terps basketball fan. Steve Blake, Juan Dixon, Mouton, etc, they were fucking amazing. The Vasquez years were ok, but we never had much success in the tournament. And now the program is at its all time lowest and it was time for a change. 

Turgeon will coach at a high level again. He's built for a nice midwest mid-major. He can recruit with the best of 'em, but it just wasn't working at Maryland. Danny Manning will take over and I'm excited to see how he plans to turn this ship around, at least for this year. Thank you for your service, Mark, but it was time. Go Terps.