
Brian Kelly Just Plagiarized His Intro Hype Video About Going To LSU From His Statements About Notre Dame

Jesus Christ, cut corners much?

Can you get in trouble for plagiarizing yourself? Did anyone stop think that this guy just pawning off a video with a shitty filter to turn his jacket purple would come off disingenuous as fuck?

This is Brian Kelly, I guess. A CEO coach disconnected from his staff and players and his social media team and possibly reality. This is cheese ball shit from Kelly and LSU. I hope every time he walks in and says this shit to a recruit that Notre Dame sends him this video immediately. It's video proof that ND should refute on the recruiting trail like Vinny Gambini 

The more time goes along the better I feel about how things went down. In my heart I believe ND is better off now by keeping Freeman and Rees than they were a week ago. New life. Better recruiting. New ideas on offense. The program is rolling and ND isn't going to look back and if LSU looks back they're going to see the same re-used message from Kelly.