
Purdue Recovered an Accidental Onside Kick Because the Grass at Wrigley Field Is a Glorified Slip ‘n Slide

Purdue and Northwestern are playing a football game at Wrigley Field today, and apparently the more than a month the grounds crew has had to turn the Friendly Confines into a football stadium were not enough. The playing surface is ... less than ideal. Guys are slipping and sliding all over the place.

The grass is so bad, in fact, that it led to Purdue recovering an onside kick that was not an onside kick. The kicker just ended up on his ass and the ball squirted off his foot just perfectly enough for the Boilermakers to end up on it.

You’ve seen the Butt Fumble, now you’ve seen the Turf Monster Onside. Maybe we put a hold on the Wrigley Field Football Experiment until we can figure out a playing surface with at least slightly more traction than a Slip ‘n Slide