
Ohio State's Band Put Michigan In A Bodybag, Or Rather In A Trashcan, During Their Halftime Show

So last week, Michigan's band put on what they thought was the funniest musical performance since Prestige Worldwide released Boats 'N Hoes. Probably worked on this for 18 months straight. Kept it as secret as the Manhattan Project, waiting for the perfect time to get back at Ohio State for beating them a million straight times.

And the reaction:

Giphy Images.

But this weekend, The Best Damn Band In The Land rebuttled with an absolute bodybag. Well, I guess it wasn't a bodybag. It was a trashcan. Literally. 

How perfect was it that this was mere hours after Michigan blew a 30-14 late 3rd quarter lead to lose their first game of the season?

Michigan this weekend: 0-2

Ohio State this weekend: 2-0