
Frank The Tank Got A New Apartment And His Excitement Is The Pick-Me-Up You'll Need

If you arent happy as fuck for the Tank about his new joint, you have a HUGE, HUGE dump in your pants. My man has a dishwasher, cabinet space galore, and a mother fucking ice maker. If that doesnt get you going, youre dead. It's as simple as that. 

Think about where Frank was just two years ago. The dude was HATING his job at the courthouse, couldn't shed the weight, was depressed, and was lookin for a way to make a move. Dave hired him and now he's got a new, beautiful apartment, lost a boatload of weight, and is getting healthier both mentally and physically. If the Devils, Mets, and Dolphins can get on track, it's absolutely over for you hoes. 

Congrats, Frankie Boy. Happy for you.