
Kid Goes Viral On TikTok For Delivering Some Of The Best Freshman Football Haircuts These Eyes Have Ever Seen











Giphy Images.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Most of the haircuts reminded me of a certain employee that used to work for us, but I don't think we're allowed to write about him so I won't. Instead I'm going to focus on the artistry behind the cut. The sheer creative genius that it takes to create something as original as, "the headphones"…

the racing stripes…

and the half and half…

The internet seems to appreciate it as well considering the video has 11.6 MILLION views so far. I wouldn't be suprised if that number doubles by the time it's all said and done. The video was so popular that the kid who made it posted a part two to give the people what they want. It's not as good as part one, but it's still hilarious…


Good for these kids. I'm sure some of them are reading this right now so hear me when I say this…enjoy it. Enjoy every moment of your youth because once it's gone it's gone. I know I sound like Adam Sandler in Billy Madison but it's true. In eight years some of you will be working at Enterprise Rent A Car. Which is fine because they give you the tools you need to succeed but still, life comes at ya quick. Make sure you recognize the good times while you're still in them. God blog took a depressing turn. I'm going to stop writing now. Have a great Friday.