
Dan Snyder's Wife, Tanya, Is The Washington Football Team CEO And I Want The World To Know She Fucking Sucks Too


SI - During the afternoon’s privileged session—an owners-only period of the meetings with Goodell—Tanya Snyder followed a spirited back-and-forth between the commissioner and Raiders owner Mark Davis by standing to address the room with a prepared statement. She said she was sorry that the investigation had created so much negative attention and apologized to those affected by the investigation itself, such as Davis. She said the team wanted to move forward and went on the offensive.

Snyder said she and her husband had been extorted by their limited partners. She’d also told the group that neither she nor her husband were responsible for leaking the emails that wound up leading to Jon Gruden’s ouster in Las Vegas, and that her husband doesn’t even have an email account.

And while she showed regret that the matter wasn’t handled internally, she never took responsibility for her own or her husband’s role in the workplace climate in Washington, other than to say that the team would “get this right.”

A brief, awkward silence followed Snyder’s monologue, before Goodell moved the session along. “Tone-deaf,” is how one person in the room described Snyder’s remarks. Two more owners agreed with that characterization, when asked about Snyder’s handling of a situation that has the NFL facing a congressional inquiry.


I think my goal in life at this point is to do my little part as a Barstool blogger to continually shed light on how terrible of a human being Dan Snyder is. I don't think I have any real power in the world to make something substantial happen, but I feel the more people that learn about what a piece of human trash he is, the better. So I will continue doing my part. And part of that is to let the world know it's not just Dan- it's his wife Tanya too.

Remember what happened at the end of the Wilkinson Investigation? Two things:

1) Snyder was granted permission to buy the remaining 40% of the team from the minority owners who wanted absolutely nothing to do with Dan or the franchise


2) He named his wife the CEO of the team

That's IT. Oh, he was fined $10 million. Lol. $10 million for 20 years of the widespread sexual harassment and lord knows what else under Snyder's watch. And then when everyone was calling for his expulsion, he was granted more power and control. 

But they try to hide it. They try to say team president Jason Wright is making the front office decisions and Tanya is doing CEO duties. Yeah, ok pal. I'm sure all of a sudden after BUYING 40% MORE OF THE TEAM, Dan magically stepped away. Bull fucking shit. Big whoop, Tanya instead of Dan goes to the owners meetings. She spouts the same pre-written garbage as he would. Apologizing to the shield for being a distraction. Lying and saying Dan doesn't have an email account. Yeah, I'm so sure a billionaire does all his business via fax machine. Right. And of course "she never took responsibility for her own or her husband’s role in the workplace climate in Washington, other than to say that the team would 'get this right.'" That's what happens when your husband owns the team, there's zero accountability.

So remember all the changes to the culture we were promised? None are happening. Jason Wright is just another mouthpiece. Tanya Snyder is just another mouthpiece. As long as Dan is signing the checks, it's business as usual. No clue what it'll take to get him out of the league. Maybe more pressure from the other owners like Mark Davis?



Or Congress stepping in.



Until then, it'll just be more lies lies lies.




And fewer and fewer and fewer fans.