
Steven Cheah Vs. Gaz Is The Rivalry We All Needed

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When you woke up today, were you expecting to witness a vicious Twitter spat between Steven Cheah and Gaz on your timelines? If so, congrats on being right and also you should be using your future prediction powers for something much more important. But anyway, let's break down the latest on this beef truly nobody saw coming. 

It all stems from Steven Cheah going on the Dave Portnoy Show yesterday and giving Dave his pitch on why he should be a full time content guy. You can watch that here. 

Also on iTunes and Spotify

While it was a convincing pitch from the world's #1 Bucs fan, part of Dave's hesitation comes from Steven being really, really good at his normal ad ops job. He'd prefer Steven to stay in a hybrid role so we don't lose a valued member of the business floor. Steven, meanwhile, is afraid a hit is going to be put on his head by his fellow co-workers up on that floor and wants to make the jump to doing content full time. He already does a bunch between The Yak, Fantasy Football Factory, NFL Draft blogs and the live show. But he wants to do more despite the likely pay cut that would come with the full time switch. 

Today on the Yak, Steven Cheah and the rest of the Cheah Hive continued to make their push for #ContentCheah. 

Gaz took to Twitter to disagree. 

That led to a swift block. 

Cheah responds with a major ratio


(The "hats off" is presumably a shot at Gaz's frequent hat wearing)

Steven also responds on the Yak with an epic burn. 

"You'd think less hair would give his brain more room to breathe." The Cheah Hive loses their fucking minds in the background. 

Gaz responds by standing up for all the non content people at this company who help keep these wheels turning.

Tyler O'Day (RIP) chimes in and immediately gets bodied. 

I just had to include that. 

Anyway, Cheah himself responds. 


Gaz says there is no room for closed door meetings when you're in the content game, a long standing policy of both he and Dave. I, too, hate closed door meetings when I can't stroke myself as I get all the details on the latest drama and gossip. Anyway, Gaz takes a shot at Cheah's claim that he is the only five-tool player in the NFL media community. 

Cheah comes back with a simple yet effective burn. 

No response from Gaz yet. (As someone who was originally hired as a Gaz guy and owes my life to him and Dave, I would like to say he does have tools). Still a good comeback from Cheah though.

Anyway, that's all for now. Who's side are you taking?