
Mike Tomlin Shot Down College Coaching Rumors In The Most Mike Tomlin Way Imagineable

"Guys, I don't have time for that speculation. I mean that's a joke to me. I've got one of the best jobs in all of professional sport. Why would I have any interest in coaching college football? That'll be the last time I address it, and not only today, but moving forward. Never say never, but never. Ok? Anybody else got any questions about college jobs? There's not a booster with a big enough paycheck. Anybody asking Sean Payton about that? Anybody asking Andy Reid about that?"

We knew it was going to be asked on Tomlin Tuesday. And Coach T nailed it like anyone who has followed him or the Steelers knew he would. The man had to be going to bed last night licking his chops ready to absolutely obliterate that question. And he did. Unlike James Franklin, another hot name in the college coaching search, who apparently has forgotten who Penn State is playing this week when asked a similar question. 

You could tell that he was ready to make it abundantly clear that he's not going anywhere, but then at the end it seemed like he got quite offended that people would even think that he's ready to move on from the NFL and the Steelers. We know the credentials. Super Bowl title. Another Super Bowl appearance. No losing seasons in 15 years. So I get his frustration from that aspect. But the question had to be asked. People around Pittsburgh seem to think that Steelers fans are forcing him out for a variety of reasons, but speaking as a Steeler fan, the only reason I'd ever want Coach T out is if his playoff woes and late season collapses as of late continue. Then any coach will be under fire. No playoff wins in five years. Epic falls in December the last three seasons. Those credentials only last so long before people start getting fed up. But that's a different conversation and one I think would be different if the franchise wasn't forcing themselves to cling so tightly to the last bit of Big Ben they can. 

I'm ready to see Tomlin with a new age quarterback - one he apparently is desiring. But alas, we can put the bye week discussions to rest about seeing Coach Tomlin on the sidelines at Death Valley or in the Coliseum.