
The Disgraced King of Spain Was So Horny That He Was Given Female Horse Hormones After He F*cked (Had Sex With) 5000 Women Including Princess Dianna

We break the story down in the video above. I just wanna be absolutely clear on one thing. I had no idea that you could inject lady-horse hormones into someone to stop what others are calling "whore moans" from being too loud. I mean, that would be AWFUL if you were living in the apartment next to the Spanish King who was slinging his royal dick all over the castle vagina walls of one of his many lovers. One minute he's got all kinds of jesters and whathaveyou carrying on in order to entice a  giggle and the next minute he's beating the fuck out of his dick while wearing some virtual reality glasses whilst lookin at a deep fake of other royals who are nude. Get you a mans who can do both, I guess. 

Anyway, stick around for the whole segment. The ZBT squad puts on an absolute clinic in naming countries that still have the monarchy one of which just experienced their very own version of a coup d'etat. I had no idea that so many monarchs were wearing crowns during the day and then pearl necklaces at night.

Rumor has it that one night, the Spanish King was giving one little philly a romp so intense that it chattered some of the furniture in the State Room where leaders from across the globe have dined over the last 250 years. Speaking under terms of anonymity, a royal butler- who reportedly watched the session of hard fucking- shouted in utter dismay at the antique heirloom's destruction

But, such is life in the manor of a horny king. 

PS: He's not the first king to be horny. There's also Lebron, Derrick, and King Louis the 14th. I refuse to use roman numerals unless it's about the Super Bowl.