
Fighter Misses Weight By 3lbs And Immediately Calls His Afghan Opponent A Terrorist

MMAFighting- An ugly moment unfolded at the weigh-ins for Dana White’s Contender Series on Monday when bantamweight veteran Oron Kahlon called his opponent Javid Basharat a “terrorist” at the conclusion of their face off.

Originally from Afghanistan, Basharat was jawing with Kahlon as soon as the staredown began, but the back-and-forth turned very personal after the fighters faced forward for photos.

Just before the athletes separated with UFC matchmaker Sean Shelby standing between them, Kahlon, who originally hails from Israel, turned and used the slur against Basharat, who immediately pointed back at his opponent but did not escalate the situation.

HOLY SHIT! Talk about uncalled for! What the hell was that about?

After Dana White's Contender Series hopeful Oron Kahlon brutally missed weight for his Bantamweight bout by 3lbs this morning, he decided he'd dig himself a much further hole and throw a "terrorist" remark at his Afghan opponent, Javid Bashara. It's hard to hear in the clip, but everyone in the room have already confirmed that is what was said - pretty nuts.

According to Basharat, during the face off, he told Kahlon that he didn't care that he missed weight, and said he'd still whoop his ass, which led to the "terrorist" remark - just an outrageous thing to say right there. 

Luckily, Basharat didn't immediately jump him (I feel like not all fighters would show the same restraint) and it was just left at that, but you bet your ass the whole world is rooting for Kahlon to get viciously knocked unconscious tomorrow on the Contender's Series.