
Nothing Will Draw Viewers to Your Local News Weather Report Like a Porn Clip

Daily Mail - A local news station in Washington State aired about 13 seconds of a porn during a weather report on Sunday.

KREM, a Spokane, Washington-based news station, accidentally broadcast the explicit clip during a weather report that aired at 6.30pm over the weekend.  

Meteorologist Michelle Boss reported that the state was expecting 'some bonus days of nice weather after a gorgeous weekend of mild temperatures,' seemingly completely unaware of what was being played in the upper left corner of the screen.

In the pornographic video a woman lying in bed. The camera then scanned down her body and showed her bare backside.

Boss's co-anchor Cody Proctor also showed no reaction to the clip as the CBS-affiliated station continued to show more weather footage.

Sure, we can sit here and give Michelle Boss and Cody Proctor credit for their stoic professionalism. And I do. But even more so, let's give it up for their forward-thinking vision. This is the future of the medium. This is how you put eyeballs on the screen. 

The local TV news weather report is one of those relics of our cultural past. Something that was once an important, and I might even say essential, part of every day life. A generation ago, that 6 o'clock news was appointment viewing as you planned out your next day. It told you everything from how you're going to dress your kids to what time you were going to have to leave for work to what appointments you could reasonable expect to keep. 

Now? It's viewed only by people my mother-in-laws age. An anachronism buried over the last 20 years under an avalanche of weather apps and "Alexa, what's the forecast for Saturday?" And in their desperation for viewers who didn't live through the Depression, they've turned increasingly to hysteria. Tabloid Weather. Where everything is a major weather event. Every offshore tropical depression is a potential hurricane "barreling up the coast" and every chance of snow is a life-threatening blizzard "bearing down on the region." "So stay tuned because we'll have a live report from the supermarket lines for milk, eggs and bread right after this ad for William Devane telling you to invest in silver. ..."

Well you can only sell the elderly with fear porn for so long before they grow immune to it and turn to PBS. If you want to keep them from falling asleep in their recliners, give them actual porn. Or at least the possibility of 13-seconds of bare ass to go along with all that talk about dew points and pressure systems. That's how you keep yourself from being replaced with the symbol of a cloud in front of a half a sun and two numbers representing the high and low temps. 

So these two journalists are just ahead of the curve. Viewers want less talk about fronts and more video of backsides.