
Always Be Branding: IG Model Plugged Her OnlyFans While Leaving Her Arraignment For Stabbing Her Boyfriend

TF - An Instagram model faces second degree assault charges after a heated fight with her beau that became violent.

Police say that Genie Exum stabbed her boyfriend, Babyboy Pajulas, with a kitchen knife during a fight in her New York apartment on Monday night.

Authorities say the incident occurred around 6:45 PM, in which she stabbed her partner twice, in the arm and back at her home on 10th Avenue in Manhattan.


This is one of the most feel-good stories of the year, if not THE most feel-good story of all time! No, I do not condone her getting stabby with her boyfriend. Obviously you shouldn't go full Squid Game on your beau because you're in an argument about what I have to believe was middle-eastern politics and how our allies in NATO directly relates to peak oil with the ever changing climate conflict while we're still unsure if the Paris Agreement will work. Genie is very passionate about that, to the point she stabbed her boyfriend who has the very real and normal name of Babyboy Pajulas. Here he is:



Now obviously politics is a hot-topic and things got heated so she didn't want to talk about it, but she did do the next reasonable thing- shouted out her OnlyFans on the way out of the courthouse. 


When the New York Post caught up with her on Tuesday, the influencer did not provide an explanation to her allegations, but told the reporter to subscribe to her OnlyFans account and took the time to spell out her username. “Subscribe to my OnlyFans!,” Exum told a Post reporter with a smirk — even spelling out the name of her account — as she got back to her high-rise late Tuesday.


Always be branding, baby!!! I love that from her. When the cameras are on, the bright lights are shining, she wasn't going to keep the bat on her shoulders. There's rarely as good of a time to boost those subscription numbers, and when the paparazzi are following you because you just tried to filet your boyfriend like a rainbow trout, that's when you swing for the fences. Plus, who doesn't love a little bit of crazy? I'm not sub'ing to just any OnlyFans, I need to know she is off her rocker a bit. That she can reach through the computer screen and choke me out. I want to be SCARED when I go to an OnlyFans, and by golly, she scares me in spades.