
I Miss Postseason Baseball In Detroit So Much

The 2021 MLB postseason has been one of the more unpredictable of recent memory. There are only four teams left, and I genuinely have no grasp on which team will be the last one standing. And maybe it's a post-Covid boost, but man, it seems like every park is just a little bit louder than it's ever been. For a sport that's allegedly dying, it sure as hell doesn't seem like it. But with each passing October, my yearning for postseason baseball in Detroit grows stronger.

It's been too long. It just has been. Look, should the Tigers have won a World Series from 2006 to 2014? Absolutely. They should've won at least one, probably two, and it's pathetic that they didn't. They had the best team in baseball multiple times, and they fell apart. Whether it be because the bullpen cost them or their fantastic hitting core went cold, it just sucks that they never crossed the finish line. I want to see world championship in Detroit more than anything. I want to see it for the fans, I want to see it for the organization, and I want to see it for the players. It would be an incredible thing. I will be able to die a happy man the day that there is finally a parade down Woodward Avenue. But having now gone seven consecutive postseasons without seeing my Tigers in October, I realize that the one thing I miss the most is the chase. I look forward to those moments where you can wait on pins and needles in between every pitch. As painful as those playoff losses were, there's even a part of me that misses being disappointed. With the disappointment always came knowing that next year might be the year. I miss that feeling.

I'm definitely in my feels right now, wearing my nostalgic fan hat. I'm incredibly introspective, especially when it comes to the things I love. There isn't a whole lot of pure baseball analysis in this blog. I'll talk more about what the Tigers need and who they should sign. All of that will come eventually. It is only October 21st, after all. But people ask me a lot which team in baseball I hate the most. The Tigers have been the Indians punching bag for six years. Do I hate them? Nope. This year, the White Sox won the division and will surely be a thorn in the Tigers' side for years to come. I must hate them! Not really. Yeah, there are certain fanbases that kind of annoy me, and there are specific organizations that go about things in a different way than I would, but I don't hate any baseball team. I just want my team to be really, really good again. I want Comerica Park to be as loud as it's ever been. I want to lose sleep knowing that my team is facing elimination, but we have our ace on the mound pitching on three days' rest. More importantly, I want an entire generation of people to fall in love with Tigers baseball the way I did when I was younger. I hope that day comes soon.

(Let's get back there, and let's win the damn thing)