
Is This The New York City Marathon Or New York Giants Fans Clearing Out Of MetLife Stadium During The 3rd Quarter Of Today's Game?

Great job by everyone at MetLife today! To be clear, I'm not remotely upset at these Giants fans for leaving their soulless, overpriced stadium early since they are watching a preseason offense take on one of the best teams in the NFL. They paid a bunch of money for what they hoped would be a decent first half, saw the offense die after Kadarius Toney and Andrew Thomas got hurt, then watched the celebration of the last truly good Giants team at halftime (which for the record was 10 fucking years ago) before going back to the one fun part about going to Giants games these days: The tailgate. Hell, I already ran my laps for this shitshow.

If this scene during an absolute bloodbath doesn't force John Mara to do something drastic, nothing will. Yes I call the Giants owner by his first name. He lost the Mr. title in the Casa de Clem until the Giants go above .500 for the first time since 2016. The thing is, there is nothing this ownership group has done during the last decade that has me thinking they know how to turn this around. 

Hope these fans have fun at their postgame tailgates, or at least as much fun as you can have in the middle of a New Jersey parking lot as the hangover from drinking since the morning sets in.