
The NFL Has Done Their Investigation And As It Turns Out Jon Gruden Is The Only Person In The Entire League With Bad Emails


AP News - The NFL has found no other current team or league personnel to have sent emails containing racist, homophobic or misogynistic language similar to messages written by Jon Gruden that led to his resignation as Las Vegas Raiders coach, according to a person familiar with the documents.

The person familiar with the investigation as well as emails told The Associated Press on Friday that the league “did not identify other areas and other individuals it has to contact at club leadership or league leadership levels.” The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the league has not publicly released what is in the 650,000 emails the independent investigators collected during an investigation of sexual harassment and other workplace conditions at the Washington Football Team.


Give it up for the NFL, folks. Squeaky clean just as we all suspected. That's why the Gruden emails felt so strange to us, ya know? That's why we were all absolutely stunned when Gruden and Bruce Allen had emails that used racist, homophobic, and misogynistic language. If you have children I'm sure you went home and talked to them and explained that this is only a Jon Gruden thing, and the rest of the league is compromised of Boy Scouts. Even though we know Dan Snyder has been complicit in allowing sexual assault within the doors of his organization, the NFL simply has nothing to show for it. Which is why the NFL is going to go ahead and release the rest of the emails I assume. I mean if there's nothing bad in them, they'll for sure have no issue in letting us see. 

Honestly, it's pretty pathetic how Snyder is time and time and time again given a pass. The NFL knows he has done and allowed some terrible things. They know he's not fit to own this team. And they just let it happen. Some absolutely awful things happened under his watch and he got a slap on the wrist and then bought the other 40% of the franchise from the minority owners. It's a joke. All we can hope is one day something so terrible surfaces, like SO SO SO terrible. Until then, sigh. Fucking Dan Snyder. I hope nothing bad things happen to him and one day he meets his maker.