
Sean Taylor's Brother Found Out About The Jersey Retiring The Same Time As The Rest Of Us, All But Proving The Washington Front Office Is Lying And They Are Using Sean As A PR Stunt



This is really just one of the sickest, scummiest moves in forever. And we're talking about Dan Snyder and the Washington Football Team, so there is a long, longgggggg list of sick, scummy moves. But this one, man. This one stings the entire fan base. Announcing Sean Taylor's jersey retirement ceremony 3 fucking days in advance, in an obvious PR move to get the focus off the email scandal, is so next level slimy that Dr. Evil himself would be offended. 

Three days. Three. I can't get over it. This is something that should be announced in the pre-season, giving fans ample time to book travel, hotel, get tickets, etc. It should be in front of a sold-out FedEx Field, chanting Sean's name, honoring his legacy. Instead it will be in front of empty seats and Chiefs fans, while Dan Snyder does something stupid to make it all about himself. We might get boo'ing during what should be an incredible moment. That's how terrible of a person Dan Snyder is. 

It is clear they had intended on "honoring" Sean during alumni weekend. Perhaps a video montage and a speech at a banquet. A video during the game. But to retire his jersey? And announce it on 3 days notice, giving fans zero time to be there for it? Like, if that was honest to goodness the "plan all along", every single person involved in that "plan" should obviously be fired. And how about this:



10,000 towels? What are we talking about here? And considering no WFT fans even go to games anymore, the majority of those towels will end up in Chiefs fans hands, being waved while it's 35-0 at the half. 

This entire situation is so fucked up. What should be a great moment for Sean's family, friends, and fans is now completely ruined by the sure incompetence of everyone in the Washington front office. Dan Snyder, his wife, Jason Wright, and whoever else involved could not have fucked this up more. Us fans have seen Snyder ruin the franchise from top to bottom, and now this. It's truly disgusting. It's just revolting.