
Some Kid Made A TikTok Showing Where TikTok Trends Come From And My Mind Is Blown






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And that's just the tip of the iceberg, my friends. I came across this kid Andrew Stovall's TikTok yesterday and I've been watching it ever since. He basically takes whatever sound is trending and finds the origin video. It's a great way to spend an afternoon if you're sitting at your desk bored. The account has 1.9 million followers and a shit ton of posts dating all the way back to November of 2020. Here are some recent ones…






You get the idea. The whole account is super addicting and shows just how stupid the internet can be. Like people have made literal careers off of dubbing these videos with their own voices. Millions of dollars. Am I jealous? A little bit, but I always feel stupid when I make one so not really.  You can follow me on TikTok here. My posts aren't for everyone, but they make me laugh which is really all I care about. It's also super easy to go viral on GayTok which is something I have going for me. I'm sure if I was a twink I'd have ten times as many followers but that's neither here nor there. Check out Andrew's TikTok if you need to kill some time. You're welcome.