
Big Pussy Has Returned This Halloween Season As Everyone's Favorite "Gabaghoul"

HAHAHAHA. I can’t help but this about all the advertising meetings companies have had over the last few months in order for to secure a great Halloween campaign…only for some guy that loves the Sopranos from Dietz & Watson to come up with the idea for the “gabaghoul”. Can you say GENIUS? Not only is it a ghoul which are oh so popular during Halloween, but it’s also a play on that wonderful italian meat that Tony would choose over any of his children given the choice.

After this whimsical idea came to the meeting the new question for Dietz & Watson must’ve been who would portray this said “gabaghoul”? Luckily for them, there’s a steady circuit of about 30 italian actors from the New York/New Jersey that are simply in every mob-related thing so it couldn’t have been too hard to find Big Pussy in the binder. Must’ve been a huge day for Vincent Pastore to once again play a deceased mobster.

Maybe one could even argue that Big Pussy became the Gabaghoul in the afterlife, ya know? I mean it's not that realistic...I'm sure becoming the spokesperson for a hot dog & cold cut company is a massive dream of a heavy-set man from New York once they settle down in the afterlife. That's a great fucking gig to the point where I'm almost jealous.