
Is Coors Light Bringing Back the Beer Wolf?

Now I know this doesn't count as a definite return of the wolf but I would like to take this time to talk about the Coors Light BeerWolf. This was way before my time but it would be great if my favorite beer brought back the beer wolf. I feel as though beer commercials in my time have been pretty sterile, I would like to see my beer sold by an animal such as a wolf. The Wolf is pretty appropriate for peddling beer,

It is an interesting story of how the beer wolf came to be. Back in the 80s Coors light was not available coast to coast as it is today. While larger beer companies at the time heavily advertised around holidays like the 4th of July, Labor day, or memorial day, Coors light started taking aim at other now well-known boozing holidays like Halloween.

The wolf wasn't supposed to be such a phenomenon, just a werewolf drinking beer amongst a monster party, but the success of the commercial had a lot to do specifically the wolf. Something about drinking a beer and howling. That's when they started to use the wolf to corner other smaller boozing holidays like St. Patrick's day.

The Wolf then took on a life of its own, appearing in many beer commercials. The wolf was in liquor stores across the country, and even animatronic wolf heads were made. 

The wolf represented more than just a mascot. It was a lifestyle, lives on today in the form of wolf tattoos and wolf graphic shirts. 


There may never be another mascot the invoked the animal spirit in a man like the Coors Beerwolf, Until that day comes or the BeerWolf returns, we can still drink Coors light.