
Kim Kardashian Torched Her Entire Family During Her SNL Opening Monologue

I know most of you reading this right now won't watch the video, but I promise you it's worth it. Suck it up for four minutes and fifteen seconds so you can witness what an SNL opening monologue should be - unafraid, self-aware, and more than anything else...FUNNY. I mean she went after her sisters plastic surgery, her mom's boyfriend, Caitlin Jenner's political career, her divorce, Kanye's personality "issues", her dad's involvement with OJ...and that was just the beginning. The entire show she destroyed her family. She even did skit called "The People's Kourt" where she and Kris shit on Kourtney...

It was exactly what SNL needed after a disastrous season opener where ratings were down 35%. Yesterday's ratings aren't in yet, but I guarantee they'll be massive. The Kardashians move the needle. Period. It really is that simple. Shout out to Lorne Michaels for realizing that and brining in Kim to give them a much needed boost. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go recover from my night drinking with Glenny Balls. Have a wonderful Sunday. Love you, Kim.