
There Is Absolute Chaos Going On With A Fight At The UFC Apex Right Now

Alright, let me break this down for you guys: Deron Winn vs Phil Hawes was scheduled to kick off the main card tomorrow night at the UFC Apex (which was a great matchup, in my opinion).

This morning, we found out that Winn was pulling out of the fight due to health issues, and a fighter named Chris Curtis - who isn't even on the UFC roster - offered to step in for him on 24 hours notice. 

Chris has had a loooong journey (FULL OF RETIREMENTS) to get to this point, as highlighted by Aaron Bronsteter here.... Twitter was rightfully celebrating this big time. Everyone was real happy for Curtis. 

Well....everyone except Phil Hawes, who declined to fight him....


Hearing this, James Krause, who is in Las Vegas to coach Tim Elliott tomorrow night, said he's down to fight Chris Curtis, and was quoted saying "shit ain't shit" about the whole ordeal.

So to recap - Phil Hawes vs Deron Winn is now possibly turning into Chris Curtis vs James Krause - just as we all expected.


What happens from here? Who knows!


UPDATE: This fight is officially cancelled, as the Nevada State Athletic Commission is declining to allow Krause to fight. Sad!