
Is Ryan Day Trolling By Wearing The Exact Same Quarter-Zip As Urban Meyer?

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That's right, folks. In his first time in front of the media since Urban went next door to take some pictures and the people tried to get him out on the dance floor, Ryan Day wore the EXACT SAME quarter-zip from the photos and video going viral. 

R-E-L-A-X. The internet is saying that it's a 0% chance this was an accident, but I'm saying there's a 0% chance this was intentional. I mean, it's breast cancer awareness month. How many pink-ish colored items do you think are in Ryan's closet? And he probably doesn't even pick out his own clothes, now that I think about it. Because all of our focus is on Maryland this week. We're in the hunt for a Big Ten and National Title. I would say there's chance Ryan hasn't even seen the video yet.

But seriously, not to argue with the internet, but can someone explain to me what Ryan Day would get from trolling Urban? If anything, I'd say there's a better chance that this is Urban's game worn jersey from that night and Ryan is just showing his support of the old ball coach. Let's not forget that Ryan Day learned under Urban and got his full support as he was selected for the job. I mean, I'm not saying Ryan Day idolizes him or anything, but there's no way he's excited that Urban appears to have further ruined his reputation and already lost the locker room just 4 weeks into his new job. Let's set the story straight: this was a weird coincidence. Although this would've been an incredible troll had they had beef (paging Brett McMurphy).

Regardless, Michigan fans just got their Halloween costumes. The iconic light red/pink Ohio State quarter-zip. Now they just need to find a long-haired blonde grind on them all night. Chase Winovich available?