
Unit Division Basketball Championship: Frank the Tank vs. Coach Duggs

After completing the tetherball portion of the "2021 Backyard Olympics, Unit Division", Frank the Tank and Coach Duggs moved on to the basketball competition, which began with a single game of U-N-I-T on the big court (10-foot rim). 

Frank began the match on fire and took an early lead on some perfectly executed shots, but Duggs wasn't about to concede defeat. I was actually waiting for Duggs to defy gravity and dunk, potentionaly ripping the rim off the backboard I recently installed, one I would've gladly sacrificed for the rare opportunity to see an airborne Unit playing above the rim. But Duggs was content to keep his feet on the ground and rely solely on his shooting ability in his quest to beat Frank and have his name permenantly entered into Backyard Olympic Mythology… 

After a grueling game on the big court, the two Backyard Olympians sat down in plastic rockers and played a game of "Small Ball" on my 18-month-old grandson's mini-court. The rim is only 3 1/2 feet off the ground and the miniature basketballs are a mere five inches in diameter. The Units displayed plenty of skill, first banking shots off the glass and then after finding their range, draining shots that were nothing-but-net…

Frank the Tank and Coach Duggs proved to be strong competitors but at the end of the day, Duggs took two out of three events to become the King of the Backyard Olympics 2021, Unit Division. Congrats to both men for their willingness to compete and their unrelenting desire to win. 

Once Frank saw Duggs wearing the crown he vowed, "I'll be back!" And with great anticipation, we'll all have to wait until next year's Backyard Olympics, Unit Division, for Frank to make good on his promise…

* In the comments let me know what other events you'd like to see in next year's Backyard Olympics, Unit Division…