
I'm Man Enough To Admit I Was Actually Wrong About Daniel 'The Danwagon' Jones

I don't know what else I can say? If you want me to say I fucked up, I fucked up. I wanted the Giants to take Josh Allen (the Kentucky great). I wanted an entire rebuild. He's not bad, alright. The fact is Daniel Jones reads the blog. No doubt about it, Daniel Jones loves to read Barstool Sports. How else could we describe what he's doing after this was published? 

I've already apologized to Clem and the hype group. I've apologized to myself for doubting a man who looks identical to a two-time, two-time Super Bowl MVP. Now it's time to apologize to Daniel Jones. Yeah the Giants are 1-3, but that's because Jason Garrett is a rat. Ever since I wrote that blog, Daniel Jones has proved he can be a starting quarterback for the New York Giants. 1 turnover in 3 games and it was on a hail mary right before half against the Saints. So really 0 turnovers in 3 games. 


The point is Daniel Jones is in his third year. This was a 'free' year in a way where either DJ proved he's a starting quarterback or he sucks so bad that you cut ties and take one here in this coming draft. Now that it looks like the Giants have a quarterback they can finally cut ties with Saquon and not pay a running back money. Then use the two first round picks for offensive line help. Bingo, bango we start winning games.

Actually, the first step is getting Jason Garrett out of my face. I still don't trust him. The Giants actually have weapons, use them. Daniel Jones can actually run, use it. Do anything besides the boring ass play calling we've become used to. 

The fact is if this is who Daniel Jones is, the Giants can keep building around him. Good. I WANT to be wrong. You hear that? That's accountability. That's a desire to help out the team. Credit to me and credit to Daniel Jones. Now let's keep that whole winning thing going. That's fun.