It Would Appear That Urban Meyer Isn't Taking His 0-4 Start Too Hard
Oh no. Looks like Coach isn't taking the 0-4 start too hard, but it looks like something else might be a little hard for Coach.
Honestly, I never thought of Urban as a cheater, but I do wonder if getting lap dances from other women was in the Family Contract he wrote up.
So from what I've gathered, Urban stuck around in Ohio after his game in Cincinnati on Thursday since the Jaguars have 10 days off, and he went out on the town last night. That much is confirmed.
Oh he had a night out alright, Shelley.
Now I'm no private investigator, but it appears that he is wearing the same quarter zip in Exhibit A and he is in Exhibit B. I am willing to go on record as to saying this video is from Friday night. I am also willing to go on record saying that the blonde giving him a lap dance in leather pants is not his wife, who was home babysitting the grandkids.
What I am not willing to go on record yet about, but am still gathering the facts about is this: Do we think his hand is doing work or is it just on his lap?