
Does Someone Want to Tell Arthur Smith That Ted Lasso Got His Team Relegated

This is either going to go very well or very poorly.

The Falcons finally won a game under Arthur Smith on Sunday to get to 1-2 and at least keep the illusion of a hopefully fruitful season alive. And with the Washington Football Team and the Jets next on the schedule leading into a bye week, it's not inconceivable that Atlanta could get to 3-2 and have a chance to make some sort of a run.

But we're a mere three games into the Arthur Smith era and we're already having to pull out Ted Lasso gimmicks? I'm not sure how I feel about that one.

I want to make it clear I love Ted Lasso — both the man and the show at large — more than I can express, but I do feel the need to point out that Coach Lasso led his club to relegation in his first season at the helm and suffered a catastrophic 5-0 defeat in the FA Cup semifinal in his second year. Purely speaking about results on the pitch, Ted has not exactly lit the world on fire.

As much as I want to like life imitating one of my favorite works of art, you simply can't hang this sign up in the media room after a 1-2 start in your first season and, more importantly, when you're the Atlanta Falcons. We literally exist to be a meme. The fewer opportunities you give people to make fun of us, the better.

This is something Dan Quinn would do. It is generally advisable to not be like Dan Quinn.

I am entirely prepared to blame this stunt for a 1-5 start, which would include a loss to the Jets — in London, ironically enough. But if Smith turns this thing around and has the Falcons 3-2 heading into the bye, I will give credit to the power of positivity we could all glean from Coach Lasso.

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