
It's Braves Vs. Phillies For The NL East And Big/Low T Can NOT Handle The Heat

All I see around these parts is Comrade Knapp is begrudging this and Low T oaffing over that. You know what? None of it matters. It's Braves vs. Phillies for the NL East crown. The Lummox needs to stay in his lane. No more punching down from this Georgian Peach until he can actually beat someone close to his own large size in what matters: MLB The Show. 

That's right, baby! We've got some almost playoff baseball for ya folks! Cutie T naturally gets his booty waxed (again), but before the Phillies sweep the Braves let us reminded how this CCCP T fares when he faces up against a real red blooded American, unlike himself.

PS - Let's ride. Responsibly.