
'If I Break My Wrist, It's On Fucking Both Of You' - Brooks Getting Into It With Rules Officials Right Before Hitting A Ridiculous Shot

Pardon for me on getting this up a few minutes later, I was sitting here waiting to see how this played out. It honestly took about 20 minutes before Brooks and Berger snapped. One of the more outrageous things I've seen in some time considering you had Sergio over the ball, testing it out. Brooks telling the first official to call his buddy over. Everyone seemingly on high alert. Then Brooks delivers the line. 'If I break my wrist, it's fucking on both of you.' What a line. You know why? Because officials in all sports stink out loud and then Brooks hit this shot. 

Even better that people are complaining about Brooks swearing and 'threatening' the refs. Well, he's one of us. So swear all you want. Have those refs shaking in their boots. Have Sergio spitting his drink out because you decide to tell a match official that he simply doesn't understand his swing. I love it all. Get a little spicy. I don't care about 'sportsmanship.' I care about winning. Win the Ryder Cup then be good sports. That's what matters. We're currently splitting this morning session. That's fine. The goal today was 4.5 points. Need it.