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Raiders Kicker Daniel Carlson Lost His Fantasy Football Game This Week To A Team With Daniel Carlson In The Lineup

Daniel Carlson had a decent performance in Pittsburgh this past weekend. He went 4-for-4 and then added a couple more extra points to his final statsheet. 14 points coming off of that right foot to bring the Raiders to 2-0. 

That's all well and good and everything. Everybody loves to be successful at their job. But if there's one thing that can sour the shit out of your week right off the bat, it's getting your ass handed to you in fantasy football. Because the whole rest of the week, you have to sit there thinking about how if you would have just taken so and so off your bench you would have won. Or how you're in a 12-man league and you would have beat 10 other teams that week, it just so happens that you got matched up against the highest scorer in the league. Makes you sick to your stomach. 

But for Daniel Carlson? Well he's got nobody to blame but himself. 

I mean c'mon, brother. If you know you're playing against yourself in fantasy that week, how are you not over there convincing Gruden to go for it on 4th every chance you get? You've gotta be in Derek Carr's ear all game making sure he knows what's on the line here. Touchdown or bust. I'm sure he knew as he was trotting out there for his 3rd or 4th attempt that he was digging his own grave. How much can you truly enjoy being named the AFC Special Teams Player of the Week if you're already in jeopardy of missing the playoffs in your fantasy league? 

Sidenote: Would love to know what round one of his buddies scooped him up in. I feel like there's a really thin line to walk there between being the kiss ass who takes him too early, but also being the group of dickheads who let him slide to the final round. 7th/8th round seems appropriate. 
