
White Sox Clinch Division And Now It's Go Time

First division title since 2008. Back to back playoff appearances for the first time in team.... actually not gonna say it because I'll get internet bullied. None of that matters now though. Jerry Reinsdorf, Kenny Williams and Rick Hahn's collective plan has come to fruition. The core is blossoming, the core is young and the core has the talent to be absolutely lethal for a long, long time. 

This team hasn't gotten hot or clicked yet. Not by a long shot. A lot of that is due to injuries that tried their god damndest to gut them this summer, but fuck that. Excuses are like assholes, blah blah. If this team does click come game 1 of the ALDS, they can win it all. Simple as that. Anyone who looks at each player individually on the 26 man roster would agree. The talent is as good as any team in baseball and I can't wait for it to be on full display against Houston in a few short weeks.

Right now, I feel like Orlando Bloom's character Blackhawk Down. I've been waiting forever for this. FOREVER. 

Eversmann: You okay?
Blackburn: Excited. In a good way. I've been training my whole life for this.
Eversmann: You ever shot at anybody before?
Blackburn: No Sergeant.
Eversmann: Me neither
Blackburn: Well, I'm here to kick some ass.

I'm nervous. I don't know what the next few weeks are going to bring, but I will be going to war for this team. Live streams in NYC and Chicago, maybe from games, maybe not, I don't know. What I know is I'm fucking ready for this. I'm excited for this. I've been waiting me whole fucking life for this. I'm ready to kick some ass for this. Let's just hope the White Sox don't fall out of a helicopter 100 feet above the ground in Houston. 

And speaking of Houston, I don't give a fuck how hot Houston is, or how deep they are as a club.  All I know is I'd put the White Sox roster up against anyone else's on sheer talent alone. I don't care what their record is against winning teams is. Those teams haven't seen a White Sox fully healthy roster. 

Let's ride. Stay healthy and get hot the last few games of the year and let's go win a goddamn World Series.