
Jersey Jerry Drops An All-Time Line While Fighting With Jeff Nadu On The Dave Portnoy Show

"It ain't about business, it's about respect!" Good god, Jerry! Take it easy. That line is reserved for members of (and experts on) the mafia. And both of you should leave the mothers OUT of this. They have nothing to do with whether or not Julio Jones got his toe down at the end of the third quarter resulting in an overturned touchdown, which is why this whole thing started in the first place. 

That said, I'd really love to see these two beat the shit out of each other at the next Rough N Rowdy. As great as the celebrity matches are, there's nothing better than an old fashioned office fight. Granted Nadu doesn't actually work for us, but he thinks he does which is all that matters. 

You can watch the most recent episode of the Dave Portnoy show HERE. Jersey Jerry v Nadu starts at 33:44. I linked it below. Enjoy...






PS: I am a Ryder. Just felt like I had to state that here as a matter of record.