
Super Creepy Bar Installs A Two-Way Mirror So You Can Watch People Go To The Bathroom

Call me crazy, but this feels illegal. Granted you're not actually seeing anyone go pee/poo but still, what's the allure? Is it just a gag? A bit? A gimmick to get people in the bar? What if you catch someone schneefin like this guy? 




Do you report it or ignore it? Or what if you're just genuinely grossed out by someone like I am by this pig who's wiping his face with his shirt?…




I guess I just don't understand it. I'd also like to see a photo of whoever's idea this was because I guarantee they're a freak. That or a marketing genius considering the video went viral and I'm writing about it. Regardless, if you're in a bar with a two-way mirror looking into the bathroom, walk the other way. There are plenty of places to grab a drink that don't include people watching you wash your hands post-dump.