The Pac-12 Named Its Official Airline, Which Doesn't Even Fly to Two Pac-12 Cities

I truly love the Pac-12. I believe there is a meeting that takes place before every decision the conference makes to assure whatever the final call is will be the most meme-able outcome.

Today, it's the league naming Allegiant as its official airline partner. Now obviously, Allegiant sucks. I've never flown on an Allegiant flight myself because I don't want to die, but that's what I understand from people who have.

And in addition to its general awfulness, Allegiant doesn't even fly to Salt Lake City or Seattle, two of the cities with Pac-12 campuses. If you want to fly on the conference's official airline to see your team play at Washington or Utah, you're shit out of luck, my friend. You'll have to get on a plane where you aren't charged for a carry-on and the air you breathe.

But again, let me state my unequivocal love for the Pac-12. We need a conference that does things like this. You can't find its network on your TV because nobody actually carries it, you can't fly on its official airline to go to a game at two of its own member schools and the best team in one of its divisions is BYU, who isn't even in the conference.

Never change, Pac-12. We love you for what you are.