
Irrefutable, Undeniable Evidence Has Come To Light About The Proper Way To Hang Your Toilet Paper

Well there you have it folks. Debated for over a century. The genesis of so many domestic arguments and fist fights at the frat house. Everyone has an opinion when it comes to wiping their ass but never have I heard of someone pulling out the OG patent to seal their argument. So basically I think this does it and that’s the end of that.

If it’s not. If you still want to debate then let’s talk pull down and snap. Laying it over makes for an easier break and less waste. You rub the risk that you get one of those pulls where things literally spiral out of control. That’s not a regular occurrence but when it happens, you’re fucked. People say toothpaste can’t go back in the tube and I agree but it’s also impossible to perfectly rewind toilet paper. When it’s loose, it’s loose.

Letting it hang under is an equally dangerous game. There’s no friction and force to work off when you want 4 good sheets. Now you have 6.  That happens a lot and over the long run it adds up. Nothing worse than wiping your ass with some takeout napkins because you got heavy handed on the underhang. I’ve seen it a thousand times.

My best solution is dude wipes. This is not a sponsored blog just one written by a guy who knows the way. In that sense I’m obligated to encourage you to clean your cornhole with the best wipes on the market. Listen to RLR for the promo code. Don’t think I’m not sneaking a link in here that we’re two shows a week. Thanks for all the support.