
A Fire Alarm Went Off During Peyton And Eli Manning's Monday Night Football Broadcast With Eli Handling It Like The Media SUPERSTAR He Is

You see that calmness under pressure right there folks? Eli keeping his cool as his fire alarm goes off during his first live television broadcast is why he was able to complete Super Bowl comebacks against the greatest football dynasty we will ever see. Twice. 

Everyone loves sucking Tony Romo's dick because he "knows the plays before they happen' and "has an excellent relatable presence that people who spend their whole life in the entertainment business couldn't even replicate". But what happens when the big moment arrives and it's not all sunshine and rainbows?

People don't forget!

Also based on this reaction, I am going to say it's pretty clear that Eli remembered that he put pizza rolls in the oven before he went on air and only remembered about them once every roll was burn to a crisp and set off the fire alarm.

The entire world is going to fall in love with Eli on Monday nights this year and I cannot wait for them to feel terrible for all the mean things they said about him over the years.