
Colts Fan Makes Some Great Points To Jim Irsay About The Roof Being Closed On Sunday

Those are the facts, Mr. Irsay. Gotta take it into consideration. Got to. Not only that, but you'd think he'd want some open air in there considering his quarterback's vaccination status. 

I guess I'll play devil's advocate here to Mark real quick and remind him that Russell Wilson is an incredibly religious man who wears his faith on his sleeve. Don't you think the roof open against Mr. Unlimited would be to his benefit because that'd be giving God a front row seat to watch him play? I have to imagine that the roof over the head would at least provide a little bit of a connection issue similar to my Direct TV satellite if a bird shits on it or there's even a hint of rain in the area. 

If you aren't going to have the roof open to give yourself an advantage because Seattle is used to dark, cooler environments then let's not stop there. No grunge or rock music should be played throughout the entirety of the day from gates being opened until the last second clicks off the clock. 

For those of us in Indianapolis you know it's officially football season when a few things happen. 1.) some crazy shit bad luck happens in late July or August. 2.) the air in the morning starts to feel more crisp than a crunchy leaf 3.) local residents pissed about their taxes being raised for a new stadium with a retractable roof that doesn't even get used tweeting at Jim Irsay every week. 

Good to be back.