
Fusilli Jerry Is HANDS DOWN The Best Episode Of "Seinfeld"

Everyone knows Seinfeld is back in a BIG way thanks to its arrival on Netflix in the coming weeks. Everyone's been talkin' Seinfeld so this morning one of the biggest Seinfeld accounts on Twitter, Seinfeld current day, decided to fuck our days up & ask the world what our favorite episode is. Now I would like to keep in mind that I PERSONALLY think favorite and best are very different things when it comes to movies and shows, etc. For example I think Hangover is the BEST comedy movie of all-time whereas Superbad is the FUNNIEST...if that makes sense?

So my easy answer to this Seinfeld question was very. It's Fusilli Jerry which has always been my favorite episode going away. It has literally everything. George & Estelle at the beginning when she tells him she's getting her eye surgery, Kramer stealing Frank's move, The ASSMAN, Puddy stealing Jerry's move. It's amazing. How can you not be romantic about Fusilli Jerry? Apparently a lot of folks can't as Vulture doesn't have it in their top 10 episodes ever.

The Chinese Restaurant of course is a worthy competitor.

Frank and Kramer playing pool is, of course, legendary.

Of course in terms of iconic and best episodes the Soup Nazi is up there.


But I'm standing pat on the Fusilli Jerry. If you disagree please give it a watch come October 1st when it hits the 'Flix. I'm confident I can sway your opinion!