
There May Not Be Any Combination On God's Green Earth Greater Than Shorts And Long Sleeves

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First of all, what a glorious picture of Keanu Reeves. Everything about it is perfect. The 80's stage, the outfit, the pose, the hair. Might be one of the most perfect photos ever captured in human history. But that's besides the point. 

We've made it through the dog days of summer and Labor Day has come and gone. That means that unofficially it is officially fall. Gone are the days that you're sweating your balls off the moment you walk out of your house in the morning. You can walk outside and smell the football in the air. Heck, it might even be so crispy outside that maybe you take the chance on enjoying a hot coffee outside to start your morning. You know it's not going to last. You know there's always another random middle of October heatwave on the way. You know it's only a matter of time before the weather switches over from constant swamp ass to frozen fingers. Climate change is a helluva drug. But for these next few weeks? Well these next few weeks are the perfect opportunity to fully relish in one of god's greatest creations.

Shorts and long sleeves. 

A truly masterful combination. Ultimate comfort and ultimate style. Enough to keep you feeling cozy enough in the crispy mornings but not be swimming around in a pool of your own sweat in the afternoon. You might need to roll up the sleeves every now and then along the way, but by the time the sun starts to come back down again? You're already perfectly prepared. It is hands down, unequivocally, without question the most efficient clothing combination known to man. 

But what makes it so precious is the incredibly small window in the calendar it's optional for. It's a few weeks at most, but that might even be pushing it. A week or so here, a heat wave that takes the long sleeves out of the picture, a week or so there, a cold front that makes you break out the pants for the rest of the year. Mother Nature can be a real fickle bitch at times, and clearly she doesn't care about "getting your fits off". And sure, there's similar weather in spring but by that time you've been wearing pants for so long that your legs look disgusting and you don't want to be wearing shorts. So take advantage of these next few weeks, everybody. You've earned them. 
