
The Marlins Have A Giant Cinnamon Toast Crunch Mascot Sitting Behind Home Plate Like Some Goddamn Minor League Team

I've seen enough! Someone needs to tell Derek Jeter he can reapply to the Hall of Fame next year because that shit just disqualified him from entering baseball heaven in Cooperstown in 2021. I'd expect to see some werido shit like this at my beloved Korean champion NC Dinos' ballpark, but not a Major League Baseball stadium like *checks notes* LoanDeport Park. 

Yeah the Marlins are barely an actual Major League Baseball team and have had a weirdo mascot sitting behind home plate for years in Marlins Man. But you can't have something like that showing up at the old ballgame when there are actually fans who paid double digit dollars for seats behind that monstrosity and Mets pitchers trying to keep their team in a pennant race. I know that's hard to comprehend for the #FrankWasRight mouth breathers, but it's true. Clean it the fuck up Manfred before old school players like Goose Gossage have a heart attack seeing shit like this considering normal(ish) ex-players like Keith and Ron have no idea what the fuck is going on.

P.S. I hated the Marlins sculpture in the outfield that Jeter took down too. Sue me. If it's not the home run apple, it's pretty much trash in my eyes.