
Jeff Bezos Is Allegedly Poaching Scientists From All Over The World To Figure Out How To Reverse The Aging Process

Source - Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has reportedly invested in Altos Labs, a startup dedicated to discovering how to reverse the aging process.

The company was founded earlier this year and is poaching university scientists with salaries as high as $1 million and promises that they can pursue their own research on how cells age and how to reverse that process, according to a report from MIT Tech Review.

Altos Labs also counts Bezos among its investors, the report said, citing people briefed by the company. Bezos’ investment office Bezos Expeditions did not return The Post’s request for comment.

Become the world's richest man? Check. Travel to space on your private rocket ship because you're bored of being the world's richest man? Check. Figure out how to reverse the aging process by poaching scientists from all over the world? Why not? Even though Jeff already has the cure to stop aging (money), if this is how he wants to spend his time, more power to him. And talk about a cake job for the scientists, right? "Uhh yeah...we're working on it, buddy. Making major process!"





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*Cashes check. It's not like anyone can measure how they're doing either. They're "solving" humanity's oldest conundrum- aging. I put solving in quotation marks because it'll never be solved. Sure the life expectancy may change, but people will always die. That's what they do. Which is why I feel like this is more of a pet project for Jeff. He knows he's throwing good money after bad, but he has nothing else to do so why not? Who knows he could stumble across the scientific fountain of youth, but I doubt it. 

All I care about it that we keep him away from robotics. We all saw how comfortable he was as Doc Ock…




The last thing we need is for him to start a private army. I'll keep an eye on this story but chances are it'll die here. No one will ever figure out how to reverse aging. Not even the world's richest man. That's my take.