Rate This Children's Slide Recreating A Plunge To Your Death On The Titantic

With all due respect to the sick and twisted minds whose jobs it are to come up with new and exciting concepts to keep carnival and festival goer's interests piqued, what the fuck was going on here?

A simple slide would have worked here, no? 

Kids aren't exactly hard to please. I was just at the boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ and the line for teacups that spun half a revolution every 2 minutes was half a mile long. 

You could have gave us a mountainside. A ski slope. Anything in the world with a pitch here and it would have done the job.

What sick fuck conjured up recreating an inflatable version of the disaster that claimed 1,500 lives for little kids? And who then greenlit it?

This is demented.

(Fun fact - the water was -2.2 degrees Celsius, 28 Fahrenheit when the Titanic was sinking. According to “science”, a person could survive 40 minutes in that state but I find that hard to believe.)

And now we've got parents forking over $5 so their little kids can pretend they're third-class citizens taking the plunge into the hypothermic waters to meet their death at the Roscoe Street Fest.

Somewhere Jack weeps.