
My Quest To Get Andy Reid Into Some Balls Beachwear Has Officially Begun

I was THRILLED this morning when I saw that tweet above from the Chiefs. Obviously an old school football guy like Andy Reid does not have social media as his mind is focused on literally 3 things and those 3 things are cheeseburgers, football, and hawaiian shirts. Sounds EXACTLY like my type of guy, so as soon as I saw the possibility of him doing a takeover on the Chiefs twitter account I figured this was my chance to get one of the patron saints of hawaiian shirts into some Balls Beachwear.

When this venture first began I told myself that my white whale was a 3-headed monster that consists of Miles Teller (favorite actor and noted hawaiian shirt guy), Guy Fieri (speaks for itself), and the man himself Andy Reid. Now obviously these are legitimate white whales as they are all MASSIVELY famous folks yet somehow we got Balls Beachwear to the 1st 2 thank God which leaves Andy Reid as the missing link. This was my time to shine.

Yet next thing I know the Chiefs tweet this out. Broke my heart.

It was ALL JUST A BIT over this fake Andy Reid brother persona. Really took the wind out of my sails to the point that I even offered this fake fella some Balls Beachwear himself just to use a ploy to get to Randy. I guess this just needs to be an onward & upward scenario. Need to manifest Andy getting into one way or another. Brb as I manifest.