
Ted Lasso Has Sent 50 Boxes Of Biscuits To Wrexham AFC As A Show Of Good Faith To Reynolds & McElhenney

Fucking Ted Lasso, man. Never a doubt that this guy would pull through! So the backstory of this is a few weeks ago that in a Ted Lasso episode Higgins said AFC Richmond got a call from a lesser club called Wrexham FC about wanting to do some sort of partnership though he was confused if it's a joke or not since said team is owned by American Canadian Sweetheart Ryan Reynolds & Rob McElhenney. The 2 fellas quickly responded to Coach Lasso and the Apple gang with a threatening legal action unless they were sent 2 LARGE boxes of Ted's biscuits directly to the club along with their address.

Now I will say that note very clearly says it needed to arrive within 6 hours which seems to be a tall task, so at least a few weeks later the biscuits were dropped off and everything has seemed to calm down amongst the clubs. I do respect the Tony Soprano-esque negotiation tactic by Wrexham AFC though. When you're the little guy on the block you really gotta stand up to the big guys. 

And now I'm just jealous that a random soccer team in Wrexham, Wales has 50 boxes of Lasso Biscuits while we're all standing here with our dicks in our hands in America. I need some Lasso biscuits like I need air to breathe. Only thing is...if we're being honest I really don't even know what the fuck the biscuits are? Just some really bland cookies that happen to taste good? I truly don't know though I'd love to find out.