Determining Office Alpha's Using The Green Line Test

Now that the crate challenge has been deemed "too dangerous " by even internet standards, it's time to look into less physically harmful and more psychologically damaging corners of the web. Bring in The Green Line Test, an insane internet theory which tries to determine a person's inner psychology based off how a person leans into another person in photos … 

This theory seems similar to the theory that determines a woman's interest in a man based on looking at her legs. Body language is important, but the The Green Line Theory doesn't seem to hold any water after looking at the results … or does it ????!!!!! 

Tommy Smokes 

Trent ( A fellow strong midwest guy)



Jake Marsh (The Best In The Office)

Kelly Keegs (1/2 of Veegs) - Leaning away can't be good 

Kate (A Marine) 



These are the official results of the office Green Line Test. On behalf of Veegs and the future of the company, we can only hope these results are completely bogus.