
Just Your Normal, Every Day Pickup Hoops Game In Philly Featuring Trae Young, Boban And ... Adam Sandler

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say this is the coolest pickup game to ever happen. Look at those names and the video. Trae Young doing his thing. Boban hanging out with his best friend Tobias Harris. And then of course Adam Sandler. What can we say? The Sand Man simply won't pass up an opportunity to get a run in. The best part naturally is Sandler's outfit. The man is wearing a somewhat baggy Lake Tahoe shirt, a pair of shorts that look like your mom buys you from Target and the high socks. It's an Adam Sandler staple along with his jumper. I don't want to get too deep here analyzing his game, but Sandler has an A+ jumper. Buries it and people say the midrange is dead. Not on Sandler's watch. Now I do have to wonder who Sandler was defending in his game. Gotta think that's a mismatch, especially when you remember Adam Sandler is is 54 years old. 

Like I said though, Sandler won't miss an opportunity to get a run in. 


Now I gotta ask, did Sandler show up with his own bag of balls? That second picture I posted he's clearly holding a bag of balls. There's no doubt in my mind he just travels around with that in the trunk of his car. Can't let an opportunity pass. Probably like a college kid who drives around with a couple ping pong balls and 20 solo cups just in case a game happens to break out. Gotta be prepared. Crazy that in a clip with college players and NBA stars it's Adam Sandler stealing the show. The man continues to give us new content all the time while still hitting the classics. 


Man just continues to be the GOAT and I won't hear any arguments.